Wednesday, February 5, 2014

EQ 1

What do you need to do to start a business? Try to list and explain at least 5 things that you would need to consider.

To start a business you would first need to decide if you wanted to offer a product or a service. Are you going to cut hair or sell clothes? You would also need to decide if you want to start your business out of home or if you want to rent a building. If you got a building for your business you should find a good location that it would do well in. You wouldn't build a toy store right next to another toy store. You also wouldn't want put a jewelry store on top of a mountain. You would have to consider the income of the people in the area of where your business is located. To start a jewelry business you would have to make sure that people were financially able to buy nice jewelry. Another thing to consider is would you want employees for your business. If you do, you wouldn't hire just anybody to work for you. You would want to make sure your employees are responsible and honest.

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